At MSJ we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for your daughter from Primary School to Secondary School.

The following programs have been established as part of the transition process:

  • Two Year 7 Team Leaders who are committed to ensuring that your daughter enjoys her first year of secondary school, makes connections with other students and experiences a sense of belonging in our learning community.
  • Primary school visits where the Year 7 Team Leaders meet with the students and teachers.
  • Attendance at the transition forums run by the primary schools.
  • Parent information evenings in October the year before commencement and then again in February the following year.
  • “Buddy morning” for students who are the only students coming from their primary school or require additional needs.
  • Orientation Day for all Year 7 students with the assistance from our Peer Support Leaders.
  • Year 7 Commencement Day prior to the remainder of the school population commencing, where we have a targeted transition program.
  • The Wellbeing Program ‘Living in community’ with a focus on transition.
  • Parent Workshops on transitioning from primary to secondary which run in Term 1.
  • Year 7 Transition Camp in Term 1.
  • Belonging Day excursion: an introduction to the Josephite charism and Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop.