It is important in the lead up to Christmas that we understand the role gratitude plays in our lives. Often we focus on what we have or want rather than celebrating what we have to be grateful for and maximise the opportunities to be present for those we are close to over Christmas.

And in the words of Mary MacKillop in 1889, this Christmas may we ‘find happiness in making others happy’.

As I reflect on 2023 there is so much to be grateful for. It is a privilege to get to know our students and families more. We want to thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to be responsible for working with you in educating your child in faith, wellbeing and learning. It is great to watch students show resilience when things don’t go their way as they learn to navigate challenging spaces.

Looking forward to 2024

We ask that all parents/carers take a proactive role in ensuring that their child meets our expectations. We ask that all students review the uniform expectations prior to returning in 2024. This will be a particular focus at the start of the year and requires parents/carers to also be actively supporting our uniform requirements.

The mobile phone policy is close to being finalised and will be communicated before the start of the school year and will reflect the educational needs of our students. We are hearing in education circles the issues around phones and their direct impact on educational outcomes.

According to Julie Hare Education Editor with The Financial Review

“Mobile phones are also having a devastating impact on learning, with two in every five students reporting being distracted in class due to their own or someone else’s digital device, according to the 2022 results of the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment”.

May you all enjoy a peaceful break and be ready to tackle 2024.

Stacey Bourke - Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing