On 27 May, myself and a few other students took part in MSJ’s in-house debating competition. The topic was “That social media has improved human connection” and I was on one of the negative teams. We held the debate over a Zoom call and had our coaches as adjudicators. Unfortunately, my team lost, however, it was still a new and enjoyable experience. Being able to continue debating during this time has been a really helpful way for us to learn and develop our public speaking skills while staying connected with friends and teachers.
Having the opportunity to also debate topics that can relate to our current situation has also helped us look at different aspects of what is going on around the world, as well as learn more about how to protect ourselves and our families. Overall, this has been a great learning experience and we have really enjoyed debating ‘remotely’. Since then, we recently participated in another debate on the topic of, ‘That Australia and New Zealand should open their borders as soon as possible’. This time we did not have to debate via Zoom, as we were able to do it in one of our own classrooms. Our team won this time, and we are hoping that we will be able to continue debating next term against our very own MSJ opponents.
Kesara Brocas-Reti, Year 9D
Our College Captains, Laura and Olivia, met Seirei Holy Spirit High School Japan leaders for the first time in a virtual discussion. They exchanged views on school activities/remote learning and how school leaders are elected at both schools. One of the highlights of today's topic was the fundraising which Seirei SRC did in February 2020. Natsuki Wada (host sister of MSJ student, Enakshi Fuloria) took the initiative to organise this fundraising.
Seirei students who came to MSJ in 2018 and 2019 did fundraising for Australian Bushfires in February this year. They raised 51,549 Japanese Yen (approximately AU$750). Seirei previously did similar fundraising when Australia suffered from the bushfires in 2009. (MSJ fundraised for the Great Tohoku Earthquake disaster in Japan in 2011.)
Seirei students were supposed to present this donation to Ms. Dishon when they came to Australia in August. However due to COVID 19, this trip is cancelled so it was organised to be presented online.
The Seirei students encouraged staff and students to bring the chocolate biscuits called “Koala march” for their recess. The profits from this company goes to Koala Foundation in Sydney.
The Seirei students also gave keychains and other Australian goods for those students who donated 500 Yen.
In the flyer below, they used information received from MSJ and host families regarding the Australian Bushfires.
This benevolent gesture is another example of our ongoing relationship with Seirei, as our sister school.
Takahiro Hiyashi - Japanese Teacher
Our administration team will be onsite during the holiday break.
Hours of Operation
8am-4pm - Monday to Friday during the holiday period.
Visiting the School
Should students or parents need to come into the school, could you please come through reception where we will have sign in and hygiene processes in place.
School Pick up and Drop Offs
Please note that parking is available in Harrington Square or in the side streets around the school as per the handbook provided.
Parents and Guardians please note that parking in front of the school is not permitted. Please do not use this area as a drop off and pick up point for students as this may result in being fined by the Hobson's Bay City Council.
School Crossing
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, please ensure that you adhere to the 40km speed limit and stop when the crossing person is in the middle of the crossing.
Please note that there is a police presence and traffic inspectors around the school to ensure that drivers are adhering to the road and parking rules.
If you require any information regarding MSJ, all information relating to all school requirements are on our website https://www.msj.vic.edu.au/
The LRC will be open throughout the first week of the holidays for students to study, meet with classmates, and loan or return resources.
Opening Hours are as follows:
Monday 29 June: 8 - 4
Tuesday 30 June: 8 - 4
Wednesday 1 July: 8 - 4
Thursday 2 July: 8 - 4
Friday 3 July: 8 – 4
The LRC will be closed throughout the second week of the holidays (July 6-10) and students will not have access to the space during this time.
A statement will be emailed to families prior to the Term 2 holidays.
For those families that do not have a regular, scheduled payment arrangement in place we would kindly remind you that your fees should be approximately 70% settled by the end of June (as we aim to have fees paid in full by September).
Families paying by term instalments should note that their 3rd instalment is due 28th July 2020.
Danny O’Malley - Business Manager
Married couples, the COVID-19 lockdown may have encouraged you to spend time together. You may have realised that your marriage could do with some polish!
Come and learn how to keep/rekindle the passion in your relationship and how to keep your love growing!
The weekend is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome.
Our next weekend is on 24-26 July 2020 in Melbourne
Starts 7.30pm on Friday. Ends 5pm Sunday. COVID-19 Safe. Accommodation and all meals provided.
Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or
Email: vicbookings@wwme.org.au Website: wwme.org.au
The 2019 Annual College Report to the Community is now available for viewing. This document gives a snapshot of the progress of the College and the achievements made during the past year.
MSJ 2019 Annual Report To The School Community