
Whilst it has been a long term, there has been much to celebrate. Thanks to all students that have taken the opportunities to grow and develop new skills, work collaboratively with others, take calculated risks, come out of comfort zones and learn new things. Thanks to staff for your work supporting our students and families on this journey. The Music and Arts night at the end of the term was a pleasure to attend. It was great to sit and enjoy the students sing, play musical instruments and perform with such passion, enthusiasm and love of the arts.

R U OK? Day - “I am here to hear”

It was great to see the MSJ community celebrate R U OK? Day on Thursday 14th September. It is imperative that as we ask ‘are you OK?’’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever we spot the signs that someone we care about might be struggling with life. Our supportive friends group led the activities and facilitated a 'donut and a conversation' session in the sails at lunchtime. This year's theme was 'I'm here to hear' to reinforce the fact that you don't need qualifications to talk with someone about their mental health.

The Learning Mentors led a brief presentation on Thursday morning where the conversation around R U OK was a focus point. The key messages are around social connectivity and positivity. Thanks to all staff, parents and students that regularly check in on others and continue to support members of our community in this space.

Uniform Expectations

All students, parents and carers are asked to have a good look at the uniform over the holidays as many students have had growth spurts. In term 4 students do not need to wear the blazer. However, the jumper cannot be the outer garment. The dress and skirt length is to the knee and students must wear the school white socks. Students will receive reflection sessions when they breach these expectations. Nose rings are not to be seen and we remind students that piercings if being done are best at the end of the year where they have time to leave them in to stop infections.