You are just five easy steps away from applying to join our College community

If you have any questions along the way, please contact our Registrar on 8398 2007 or

YEAR 7 in 2026

Applications for Year 7 at Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College should be made during Year 5 of your child’s primary school education.

Parents/Carers should complete an online application form with the required documentation and payment of a non-refundable $50 application fee. The application closing date for Year 7 in 2026 is Friday 16 August 2024.

YEARS 8 – 12

Enrolment into other year levels is governed by College capacity. Limited vacancies exist at these year levels and waiting lists may apply. Parents/Carers should submit an online application to the College with required documentation and payment of a non-refundable $50 application fee. There is no application closing date for enrolment into Years 8 - 12.

Please read our Enrolment Policy and Selection Criteria before making an application.

Online Application for Enrolment

Mount St. Joseph Girls' College Enrolment Policy

Families may be invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal or one of her delegates.

YEAR 7 in 2026

Offer of a place at the College will be forwarded to the successful applicant for Year 7 in 2026 by Friday 18 October 2024. Subsequent second round offers may be forwarded depending upon availability.

YEARS 8 – 12

Families will be notified shortly after the interview if a place is available.

All places are offered at the Principal’s discretion.

YEAR 7 IN 2026

Successful applicants must return the Enrolment Acceptance Agreement documentation to the College along with $150 enrolment acceptance fee. Applicants for Year 7 in 2026 must return this by Friday 8 November 2024.

YEARS 8 – 12

Applicants for Years 8-12 must return the Enrolment Acceptance Agreement documentation to the College along with $150 enrolment acceptance fee by the date indicated in the offer letter.

YEAR 7 IN 2026

Once enrolment is secured, families will receive an invitation in mid 2025 to attend a Parent Information Evening, Student Testing Day and Orientation Day in Term 4, 2025.

YEARS 8 – 12

Families receive a commencement kit and students start their transition program at the College as led by our Student Wellbeing Leaders.