The last weeks of Term 2 have been busy and demanding for our students. I wish to congratulate all of the students for their hard work and dedication to their studies. Within the final weeks of term, Years 9-11 students were involved in examinations and, across all year levels, students undertook assessments to finalise their semester.

Whilst examinations are a vital component of assessment and preparation for senior educational pathways, this is not the only measure of success or progression of learning. The Learning Management System (CANVAS) is the space that provides progressive and up-to-date information around student assessment achievement and feedback. I urge families to continue to use the platform to obtain this information. This feedback is a starting point to conversations that can be undertaken with students. The most effective learners are those who are able to respond to feedback, thus encouraging students to follow up this feedback with their subject teachers to develop strategies they can implement in the second semester.

Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports will be released to the school community during Week 2 of Term 3. These reports can be viewed through the PAM portal. Reports contain subject based results and work habits as well as information from the Learning Mentor relating to student achievement and personal development.

There will be opportunities to meet with staff around these results in Term 3 with Parent Teacher Student Conferences scheduled.

Subject Selection Information

During the final week of term, Year 10 students began the process of subject selection. The days focused upon the dissemination of information around senior secondary pathways, subject based information and post school destinations. Students participated in assemblies, panel discussions, guest speakers, subject expos and self directed course and pathway planning. A Parent Information Evening was held on 21 June which allowed parents to gather information about senior secondary pathways and subject selections. Parents were then able to work with students to gather further information about subjects at the Domain Expo.

On 20 July, students are required to attend a compulsory 10 minute online subject selection interview with their parents and an allocated staff member. The session aims at reviewing the choices made by students for their Pathways Certificate and then their subjects. Interview bookings can be made via the TryBooking site. This information was sent to Parents on 20 June via PAM. As the interviews are occurring from 2.00pm-7.00pm, Year 10 students will be concluding their day at 12.20pm on this day. Interview confirmations and links will be sent to parents in the days prior to the interviews.

Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 students will be involved in their subject selection process at the beginning of Term 3. It is important that students are fully informed about the subjects offered at the College and the process that is put in place for assistance. Information to students will be distributed at Year Level Assemblies.

An integral part of the process is that parents discuss with their child the subject choices they wish to make for the following year. Subjects should be selected largely on the following basis and should be done in consultation with parents, teachers and the Pathways Leader:

  • The student’s personal interests

  • Known ability and past success in a particular area of study

  • Prerequisite and recommended studies for entry into Higher Education courses (Tertiary and TAFE)

  • Career aspirations

Chantelle Gauci - Deputy Principal, Learning & Staff