In the words of St Mary of The Cross “ There must be gentleness towards the erring of others”. Mary didn’t let obstacles get in her way; she worked around them, even straight to the top when needed. It is imperative that we respect others and grow from our experiences when part of the MSJ community.

Mobile phone policy

Thanks to all the parents that completed the survey around mobile phone use. We had a great response. We are currently working through a draft mobile phone policy and may reach out to some parents to provide further feedback. We have also sought feedback from staff and students which has provided us with a rich database to work with.

Child safety is a priority

To ensure student safety onsite it's imperative that students do not enter the school grounds until 8:00am as MSJ is not being staffed until 8:00am and the buildings will not be opened until 8:15am. Whilst we are aware many parents drop students off on the way to work, we ask that students not enter the grounds until 8:00am.


What are your experiences of TikTok?

The use of Tik Tok includes benefits : supporting students as learners, supplementing other forms of learning and it is entertaining. On the other hand the research shows that it's easy for students to waste time on TikTok, which puts their schoolwork on the back burner. Please see the attached link which offers ways to support your child in their use of TikTok.

Guardian's Guide to Tik Tok

Graduation and Valedictory

It was great to see our Year 12 students celebrate their final days as they opened their time capsule, shared a breakfast together, had a colour run, dressed up in some interesting and well tailored uniforms, celebrated Mass and their Graduation Ceremony with their families. Many are finishing off their exams and we are looking forward to seeing them at our Valedictory Dinner.