As we come to the end of a long Term 2, we have much to be grateful for. It has been a term filled with much learning, fun and laughter. I am fortunate that my office is situated in the centre of the school with a view of the central space between buildings. It gives me the opportunity to interact with the students, engage with them and hear about what is happening in their lives and at the College. When they are unaware of my presence, I often observe them deep in conversation with friends, laughing and sometimes skipping and dancing to the music as they make their way to class!

I am grateful of the hard work of the staff here at MSJ. They are committed to providing exceptional teaching and learning opportunities, they care about the students, and they embrace our Catholic values and the Josephite charism that underpins who we are. This has been so evident this term. The following is a list of the events and activities that have taken place outside the classroom that have provided great learning and much joy:

  • Catholic Girls Sports Association Victoria Competitions

  • MMADD (Music Media Art Dance Drama) Day

  • Year 7 Aboriginal Culture Day

  • Outdoor Ed and Duke of Ed Camps and Day Excursions

  • Year 10 Reflection Day

  • CGSAV Athletics Competition

  • Student Leadership Conference

  • Year 8 Parish Masses

  • Year 8 Me, Others and the Community 3 Day Event

  • Year 11 & 12 University visits

  • Year 7 Werribee Zoo Excursion

  • Instrumental Students Concerts

  • Year 11 & 12 VET Music Gig

  • Year 9 Program Expo

  • Year 10 Careers and Pathways Week

  • Year 10 Formal

  • Numerous Incursions and Competitions at all year levels

We have much to be thankful and grateful for!

Over the last couple of weeks, students have been busy with end of semester assessments and the senior students have been involved in exams. These assessments are an important part of the teaching and learning program at the College and I would ask that you log onto Canvas to see the posted results and discuss these with your child. End of semester reports will be available to parents on Monday 22 July. Please ensure that you read the report and follow up with teachers any questions or concerns you may have.

The first two days of Term 3 (15 & 16 July) are student-free days when the College will be closed. As part of our 60 Year celebrations, all staff will be involved in faith formation activities. Close to half the staff will be participating in a pilgrimage in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop and will be travelling to Portland and Penola to learn more about the legacy of Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods and to take time to reflect and pray together. Staff who are not participating in the pilgrimage will be involved in faith formation activities here at the College and at the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre. Our involvement in days such as these are incredibly important for us as a staff of a Catholic and Josephite College.

I hope all students and staff have an opportunity over the break to find some time to rest and rejuvenate ready for a great Term 3.

Kate Dishon