Subject Conferences

Subject Conferences will occur during Term 3. Online subject conferences for Year 11 and 12 students will occur on Thursday 1 August. Families will be able to make bookings for their Year 11 or 12 student from Monday 22 July. Subject conferences for Years 7 to 10 will occur on Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August. These will be a mixture of online and onsite conferences. Families will be notified about the booking arrangements closer to these dates.

40+ Club (VCE High Achievers)

The 40+ Club is designed for a group of Year 12 students who have been predicted to achieve one or more 40+ study scores this year, meaning they are projected to be in the top 9% of all students in Victoria. This is no easily achievable feat; a lot of effort, dedication, and perseverance are required to attain the coveted 40+ mark at the end of the arduous journey known as Year 12. The club has been established to alleviate some of this stress, provide students with helpful study tips, and set smaller goals to achieve their desired study scores and ATAR. Maddie from Elevate led the session, and we hope she will be back again as we found her session very helpful.

I attended the first session of the 40+ Club and found it immensely beneficial to my attitude towards my study scores at the end of the year. Prior to the session, I was constantly stressed about my end-of-year scores, pondering how I would achieve these lofty scores and gain admission to the university courses I desired. However, the session taught me that I don't need to dwell on these overarching goals all the time; instead, I should focus on setting smaller goals, such as "How can I receive a good grade on my SAC next week?" or "How can I improve my essay writing for the next English task?" These incremental goals will aid me along my Year 12 journey and, hopefully, lead me to achieve my main objective: the 40+ study score. The emphasis on believing in ourselves and our abilities to reach these goals was also highly motivating and beneficial to my overall mindset about Year 12. My friend, who also attended, remarked, "All in all, the 40+ club was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to find out what other useful lessons I can learn from participating in this club."

Samantha Wright - Year 12